As 2020 draws to a close, so does our Steering Committee format. Since February 2019 our Steering Committee has been charged with developing our initial resources and team. In Q4 2020, we held our first election process to fill the Executive Leadership Team, a Wright State Alumni Association requirement. We will enter 2021 as an Executive Committee with our President, Vice-President, and Treasurer composing our Executive Leadership Team and Chair positions of each standing committee rounding out the Executive Committee.
President - Anthony Heiland
BS Business Management 2014 | US Army Veteran
Vice-President - Anthony Hinojosa
BS Research and Intelligence Analyst 2014; MPA Non-Profit, Public Administration and Legal Studies 2019 | US Navy Veteran
Treasurer - Ken Folino
BS Financial and Services 2012; MBA 2016 | US Marine Corps Veteran
Our Executive Committee begins 2021 with goals established for each of our committees, focused on continuing to develop the resources we need to execute our mission and vision. Our goals for 2021 include;
Increasing our engagement with Wright State veteran and military-affiliated students, graduates, and supporters. We want to understand from you how we can use our organization to support the success of our members and those we support.
Establishing relationships and rapport with local recruiters and companies. Connecting our members to vetted resources interested in their success.
Recruiting more members! Our power is in our volunteers, and we always welcome support. We hope VMAS can give our volunteers a place to try something new, fine-tuning an existing skill, or share their expertise.
Building our brand. We are a new group working to continue serving our members, the Veteran and Military Center (VMC), and the Wright State Alumni Association. We are part of a team, with strong ties to the VMC and Veteran's Voices Project. Our story is ours to tell
Q4 also saw updates to the VMAS Constitution. Our constitution is a living, breathing document that we will continue to refine as our organization evolves. This update includes establishing engagement expectations for those who fill Executive Committee positions, requiring minimum cadences for committee meetings. We refined the expectations of our Executive Leadership Team as well, setting requirements for our President, Vice-President, and Treasurer positions.
As 2020 draws to a close, we reflect on the accomplishments of our organization over the last year. While our team for 2020 was small in number, we have worked diligently to get our name out there. We continued to develop our site, which provides individuals a way to understand who we are and what we intend to create. We were able to connect a Navy veteran and Wright State grad with the Alumni Association's November Alumni Speaker Series. We refined our tools, our skills, and our goals. Interested in being part of our 2021 accomplishments? Become a member and let us know how you want to help!