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VMAS Constitution and By-Laws

Writer's picture: Anthony HeilandAnthony Heiland

Veteran and Military Alumni Society

Wright State University

Code of Regulations

Article I: Name

The organization shall be called the Veteran and Military Alumni Society at Wright State University

Article II: Purpose

Section 1: The Wright State Veteran and Military Alumni Society (VMAS) shall provide support to members and the community through initiatives including personal and professional networking, alumni engagement, fundraising, in-kind/ volunteer support, and service initiatives. VMAS will also provide members a place to develop new skills, fine-tuning existing skills, or share expertise in support of our mission and vision.

VMAS will champion the success of its members, the Veteran and Military Center, the Alumni Association, and Wright State University.

Section 2: VMAS shall assist and enhance the Veteran and Military Center (VMC) and the Wright State Alumni Association (WSAA) as well as Wright State University (WSU) through:

  • Assisting with the recruitment and retention of Veteran and Military connected students, faculty, and administration;

  • Active participation in activities designed to promote, enliven, and support Veteran and Military connected interests;

  • Fundraising for the University and the Veteran and Military Center;

  • Establishing and maintaining a presence of Veteran and Military leadership and involvement on the University campus;

  • Developing and perpetuating fellowship among Veteran and Military connected alumni;

  • Cooperating with the Alumni Association in addressing the needs and concerns of Veteran and Military connected alumni; and

  • Encouraging the involvement of members of the VMAS in the organization and activities of the WSU Alumni Association.

Article III: Members

Section 1: VMAS Membership

VMAS Individual Membership

  1. This membership is available for Wright State Alumni. Individual members are the sole voting body of the organization. Individuals must complete the VMAS Individual Membership form to be considered for membership.

VMAS Champion Membership

  1. There is no military or university affiliation required for champion membership. This membership exists for those interested in assisting the mission and vision of VMAS. Individuals must complete the VMAS Champion Membership form to be considered for membership.

Students for VMAS Membership

  1. This membership is available for Wright State students interested in assisting the mission and vision of VMAS. As a Student member, VMAS gets the opportunity to connect before graduation to understand how to best support members through their academics and into their careers. Individuals must complete the Students for VMAS Membership form to be considered for membership.

VMAS Mission Support Membership

  1. This membership exists to recognize the businesses, non-profits, clubs, societies, and associations who assist in the mission of the VMAS. Advocates of VMAS, its members, and the community will be recognized and honored for their contributions and efforts.

Withdrawal of Membership

  1. VMAS members can choose to withdraw from the Society by submitting their intent of withdrawal electronically to or through one of our social media pages. The withdrawal request will be granted through verifiable user accounts which are recognized by VMAS.

Other Classes of Membership

  1. The Executive Committee may designate other classes of membership at their discretion.

Voting Members

  1. All individual members of VMAS have the inalienable right to vote on VMAS leadership, orders of business and initiatives.

Non-Voting Members

  1. VMAS Champions, Mission Support, and Students for VMAS are non-voting members.

Additional Executive Leadership Team Positions

  1. The Executive Committee may create additional positions within the leadership team when the needs of the society and its members warrant such action.

Article IV: Meetings of Members

Section 1: Meetings

The Executive Committee will meet a minimum of once every month. Executive Committee meetings include the Executive Leadership Team as well as the Chair of each standing committee. VMAS Committees and project teams will meet as needed.

VMAS member meetings shall be held at least quarterly with an option to meet semi-annually if designated by the Executive Committee. Member meetings will cover updates on VMAS orders of business while also providing an opportunity to connect personally with our members.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by a quorum of five Executive Committee members. Written summaries of special meetings must be provided to the Executive Committee and each standing committee no later than thirty (30) days after a special meeting is held.

Section 3: Order and Conduct of Business

The order and conduct of business at any meeting shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules and the principles of consensus.

Section 4: Notice of Member Meetings

Written notice of the bi-annual meeting of the members shall be given to each member by email or social media, sent at least sixty days before the date of such meeting to the members last known email address and contact information as it appears on the records in the Office of Alumni Relations or VMAS contact directory.

Section 5: Notice of Special Member Meeting

Written notice of each special members meeting shall be distributed by email and social media, as needed, before the date of such meeting to the members last known email address and contact information as it appears on the records in the Office of Alumni Relations, or VMAS contact directory.

Section 6: Quorum and Vote Required to Act

At all meetings of members, the presence in person of not less than five (5) members shall constitute a quorum, except that a lesser number may act as a committee of the whole, but no official action can be taken until a quorum is obtained.

Article V: Executive Committee

Section 1: Number of Authority

The Executive Committee shall be composed of up to six members. The members shall include:

  1. The Executive Leadership Team (President, Vice President and Treasurer), who shall be graduates of Wright State University.

  2. The Chairs of each standing committee, who are not required to have a Wright State affiliation.

The Executive Committee shall have general supervision, management and operation of VMAS for the administration of its business.

Section 2: Executive Leadership Team Election

VMAS will hold a bi-annual election where voting members shall elect the Executive Leadership Team:


This individual will be a liaison between the Wright State University Alumni Association and the local alumni to serve the interests of both groups.

  1. Ensure VMAS plans are developed and finalized

  2. Lead meetings and functions, often operating as a master of ceremonies at social functions and meetings.

  3. Serve the role as an official committee member of all VMAS committees.

  4. Remain in regular contact with the executive leadership team and committee chairs.

  5. Responsible for the distribution of e-mail information sent in collaboration with the Membership & Engagement committee

  6. Coordinate details for any visits from Wright State University Alumni Association staff.

Duties of position:

  1. President or designee shall preside over all VMAS meetings.

  2. Maintain a presence at VMAS events at least 75% of the time.

  3. Exercise all powers and perform all responsibilities delegated by VMAS.

  4. Authority to fill, by appointment, vacancies among the officers of Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary on an interim basis until the next regularly scheduled meeting.


The most common obligation of the Vice President is to stand in for the President as needed. It involves being ready to assume the position as President, which in turn means this individual must be informed of all plans or policies.

  1. Serve as the chair of some of the most important VMAS events.

  2. Ensure the alignment and execution of VMAS annual and monthly goals.

  3. Keep record of VMAS votes, resolutions, and proceedings. This information shall be forwarded to the appropriate Wright State University Alumni Association staff member.

  4. Remind committee members/volunteers of upcoming meetings and events, and newsletter content.

Duties of position:

  1. Perform such duties assigned by the President and Bylaws shall be vested with all of the powers and responsibilities of the President during the absence or disability of the President.

  2. Maintain a presence at VMAS events at least 75% of the time.


Responsible for maintaining an account of all VMAS funds.

  1. The Treasurer serves as co-chair of the Finance & Fundraising Committee.

  1. Duties of position:

    1. Oversee and maintain all VMAS finances and provide reports of financial status to the Executive Committee.

    2. Manage and record all monetary actions during VMAS events.

    3. Grow the financial capabilities and health of VMAS and it's partners

    4. Maintain a presence at VMAS events at least 75% of the time.

The Executive Leadership Team shall be elected and serve a term of two (2) years, until their respective successors are elected and qualified, or until written resignation is provided. There are no term limits on executive leadership or committee chair positions.

Qualifying members who wish to declare candidacy for an Executive Leadership Team position must complete the Executive Candidate Declaration Form provided by VMAS. Notice of Executive Leadership candidates will be distributed to the members of the VMAS by email and social media, with a goal of providing a pool of candidates to voting members at least thirty days before election.

The election process will take place on-line, with VMAS distributing the ballot to the email address registered within the VMAS Individual Membership database.

Section 3: Committee Chair Selections

The selection of committee Chair positions will be executed by the Executive Leadership Team within thirty (30) days after an election. VMAS Individual and Champion members can declare themselves eligible for Chair position selection by completing the Committee Chair Candidate Declaration provided by VMAS.

Committee Chair candidates must submit a declaration within the same thirty-day guideline afforded to Executive Leadership candidates for election. Chair positions will be filled by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Leadership Team. If a two-thirds vote can not be made, existing Chairs of each committee shall vote. The candidate who receives a majority vote shall be recognized as the committee chair.

Section 4: Duties of Officers

Duties of the President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall be as prescribed in the By-Laws and constitution of the WSU Alumni Association.

Section 5: Vacancies

In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee or on a standing committee, such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term, as the case may be, by action of a consensus of the Executive Committee members then in office, pursuant to nominations presented by each standing committee for such purpose.

Section 6: Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Executive committee may be called by action of a

quorum of five (5) members of the Executive Committee, by the President, or in the absence or inability of the President to act or a vacancy in such office, by the Vice-President or Treasurer. Written notice of a special meeting of the Executive Committee members shall be required in the event that the business to be considered at such meetings includes nomination or election of a member to office or the removal of an Executive Committee member.

Written notice of any special meeting, including a brief statement of all purpose or purposes for which it has been called, shall be given to each Executive Committee member by email sent as soon as available. Written notice of other special meetings of the Executive Committee members shall not be required, if notice by telephone or text is given to each Executive Committee member at least forty-eight (48) hours before the date of such meeting.

Section 7: Order and Conduct of Business

Robert’s Rules shall be recognized as the order and conduct of business at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the VMAS.

Section 8: Committee Removal Actions

In the case that a member of the Executive Committee does not execute their role within the VMAS, the committee can remove such member through a three-quarters vote among sitting Executive Committee members. Removal votes will occur during a special meeting as referenced in Article V, Section 6. The vacant role will be filled as referenced in Article V, Section 4.

Article VI: Standing Committees

Section 1: Professional Networking & Mentoring Committee (PNMC)

The board shall consist of a Chair who reports to the Executive Leadership Team. The Chair position shall serve a two-year term with no service limitation. The committee Chair shall be nominated and selected in the same manner as provided in Article V, Section 3.

The PNMC serves to aid the VMAS and Wright State graduates in navigating the path of employment and career development after graduation. The committee shall be structured as a sitting board, which organizes and communicates the collective career assistance efforts of the VMAS. The committee Chair shall be nominated and elected in the same manner as provided in Article V, Section 2.

VMAS members not on the board can serve as Career Professionals who aid the committee by acting as a point of contact for graduate mentoring and networking as well as contributing content, which assists graduates in their future careers. Board members shall be elected to serve two years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified.

Section 2: Finance & Fundraising Committee (FFC)

The Chair position shall report to the Executive Leadership Team. The Chair position shall serve a two-year term with no service limitation. The committee Chair shall be nominated and elected in the same manner as provided in Article V, Section 3.

The FFC acts as a financial and budgeting developer and manager for all of the VMAS funds. All acts of the FFC shall be subject to the Executive Committee. The FFC shall make a report of its acts and transactions to the Executive Committee. Reports shall form part of the records of the VMAS and be made available for review by all members.

Section 3: Membership & Engagement Committee (MEC)

The Chair position of the MEC shall report to the Executive Leadership Team. The Chair position shall serve a two-year term with no service limitation. The committee Chair shall be nominated and elected in the same manner as provided in Article V, Section 3.

The MEC shall increase interest and membership in the VMAS through recruitment and retention efforts made through regular communication with the Veteran and Military Alumni population and an annual membership effort. The committee shall also coordinate efforts of engagement with local businesses, non-profits, organizations and the community.

Article VII: Fiscal Year

The fiscal calendar of the VMAS shall follow that of the Wright State University Alumni Association.

Article VIII: Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended or repealed, and new By-Laws may be adopted, at any meeting of members held for such purpose, provided that a copy of any proposed amendments, amended Regulations, or substitute Regulations, or a brief description thereof is included in the written notice of such meeting.

Article IX: Conformity

These articles as adopted are not intended to conflict with the current WSU Alumni Association By-Laws and Constitution, but to define the VMAS as a recognized constituency group.

Revision 2.0_11132020

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​The Veteran & Military Alumni Society at Wright State University

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